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The Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (Smart ODME) has been designed to provide means of monitoring, recording and controlling the ballast discharge for crude oil, product and chemical tankers including ICE class vessels. This system is modular in construction and does not require the usual pump/motor bulkhead penetration as used on older systems. The Smart ODME includes all components required to meet MEPC 108(49) and the latest MEPC 240(65) for Bio Fuels, effective 1 January 2016.

The Smart ODME incorporates a ‘simulation mode’ to aid system demonstration to PSC surveyors, is designed for ease of retrofitting, operation, installation and maintenance.

Discharge limits are set at 30 litres of Oil per nautical mile or 1 / 30,000 of the previous cargo for slop and wash water discharges.


Slop Water Discharge
Tank Wash Water Discharge
Clean Ballast Water Discharge
Bio Fuel Approved
Easy Installation

  • Evliya Çelebi Mahallesi. Gökçek Sokak, Filiz Hanım Apt . No: 3 Daire:2 TUZLA - ISTANBUL
  • Tel: 0216 493 46 57 - Fax: 0216 392 60 40
  • info@transmare.com.tr
+90 216 493 46 57
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